In Which a Fire is Put Out

Outer Ward
You stand in the busy outer ward of Castle Anvard, full of people seeing to the
needs of king and kingdom. There are market stalls along the outer wall,
bustling with merchants and shoppers. Grooms work in the stables, tending to
the horses there, and you hear the occasional bark of a dog from the kennels.
The sounds of hammer hitting iron rings out from the blacksmith shop. There are
stairs leading to the gate towers on the northern and southern corners of the
outer curtain. To the east is the outer gatehouse, and the road leading into
the realm of Archenland, and to the west another gate, leading to the inner
gatehouse, the inner ward, and the main keep of Anvard.

Avery turns around and waves toward the gate. “Het Noorden. Cole and Tyren have gone. Go, go!”

Colin nods and departs through the gates.

Lune strides through the ward toward the gatehouse, leading a group of his personal guard. His face is grim.

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