In Which a Pardon is Given

Great Chamber
You stand in the great chamber, which serves King Lune and Queen Stellina as a
place for entertaining small groups, or dining alone together. There is a
large stonework fireplace and several comfortable looking chairs and couches.

At one end of the room is a small dining table with two chairs upholstered in
violet velvet. The wooden floor is covered in an ornate woven rug. A carved
door leads into the Royal Quarters, and another to Nobles’ Quarters corridor.

Colin enters the Great Chamber with Lord Cole at his side, following one of the king’s servants. The servant announces the two and he bows low in greeting to the king.

Lune sits in one of the deep chairs on one side of the fireplace, which is well stoked and providing light and warmth to the chamber. He rises as his nephews are announced and approaches to greet them. “Lord Chancellor, Sir Colin.”

Cole bows low as the King approaches, a soft smile on his face. “Your Majesty. ”

Colin rises from his bow. “Greetings, Your Majesty. Thank you for granting us an audience.”

Lune says, “Indeed, I welcome it.” He gestures them toward chairs near the fire. “Please.”

Cole, at the King’s bidding, moves over to one of the chairs and sits. Clasping his hands together, his expression turns impassive as he looks to his brother.

Colin follows his brother to the chairs indicated and sits in another one after thanking the king.

Lune speaks quietly to the attendant about wine, and returns to his own seat. “Well, then,” he says, settling back. “Hast news for me?”

Cole looks from Lune back to his brother, gaze turning expectant as chooses silence for the moment.

Colin gives a nod to his brother to indicate him. “The Lord Chancellor and I feel you need information from me about the fire in Andale the other night, as there are likely details you have not been informed of yet.”

Lune says, “Continue.” The servant sets a glass of wine down at his elbow and moves on to serve Cole and Colin.

Colin says carefully, “We have reason to believe the fire was set deliberately for me.”

Cole’s mouth twitches into a frown as his brother continues. As the servent sets the wine before him, he takes a small sip.

Lune’s forehead furrows deeply. His glance shifts from Colin to Cole and back. “For thee?” he repeats.

Colin takes a deep breath, glances at his brother and nods his affirmation. “The man, Aaron, who owned the seems I have made him an enemy.”

Lune asks, “How has this come to pass, nephew?”

Cole sets the wine down carefully, rubbing his hands together slowly as he continues to listen.

Colin is quiet for a moment before responding. “I made some mistakes in my dealings with this man. He never technically did anything wrong but he made some sort of game tormenting Lanisen and incited another man to bully him as a result. I threatened him to stay away, and tried to arrest him to hold him for a night when he disobeyed the orders of Captain Garian. That incident resulted in the captain banning him from the castle instead of an arrest and the fire was the next night. Lanisen and I both received letters from Aaron right before the alarm bells began sounding indicating it was for me.” his tone is quiet and defeated as he relays the simple overview of the situation.

Lune listens in silence, taking up his wine glass but not yet drinking. “And the content of these letters?”

Colin’s reply does not change tone, and he doesn’t touch his wine. “Lanisen’s read “I’ll be seeing you soon.” Mine said “Are these smoke signals big enough for you, Colin?”, and came to me with a dagger stabbed through it. His dagger.” He’s quiet again before explaining, “I had told him to not go near Lanisen…or even send smoke signals.”

Cole’s expression darkens significantly as his bother recounts the details.

Lune says nothing for a moment, but his face is very stern. “Has any trace of this man been found?”

Colin looks to Cole to answer that one.

Cole finally speaks up, taking a deep breath and shaking his head. “I am afraid not, Sire. ” he returns, voice low. “I have had a number of the guards out scouring Andale and the immediate around around it. Nothing has been found. ” he pauses, glancing at his brother. “Though, I had the opportunity to speak with one of the Guardsmen whom had spoken to Aaron right before the fire started. He informed me that Aaron had made mention of visiting some family in Coghill. ”

Lune says, “Send a missive to Lord Shar. Does this guardsman know who this man’s family might be?”

Colin’s mouth quirks to the side and he stays silent for the moment.

Cole nods quickly. “It shall be done. ” His frown deepening, he shakes his. “As to the second, the guard made no mention of who the family might be. ”

Lune asks, “Is there any other who might know? Who has spoken with him?”

Cole rubs his mouth with a hand. “A fair few from what I have heard. I, unfortunately, haven’t had the displeasure of speaking to the man myself. ” he sighs. “Come to think of it though, the guard made mention of a man by the name of Eston whom had also spoken with Aaron prior to the fire. ” he tilts his head. “Though, he didn’t seem to think Eston knew more. ” he pauses, looking thoughtful. “I could certainly go to Eston personally and make sure. ”

Colin speaks, “Your Majesty, I suspect he won’t be in Coghill simply because he said so. We still need to make sure of course…”

Lune rubs a hand over his forehead. “Thou hast the right of it,” he agrees. “Have missives sent with Master Aaron’s description to every town. I would have him brought in for questioning.” He looks at Colin. “Thy opinion, nephew… is there aught of substance in this man’s letter to Master Lanisen?”

Cole dips his head to the King before looking back to his brother.

Colin gives a slow nod. “I believe so, Sire. I fear not taking it seriously. Part of me wonders if the fire was intended to draw Lanisen out of the castle somehow?”

Lune nods slowly. “Dost thou then believe this man Aaron will return to the castle seeking Lanisen?”

Colin’s breath catches a little. “I think we should consider the possibility. We don’t know why he chose Lanisen as a target…”

Lune sets his wine glass down, crossing his arms over his chest. “What wouldst advise, then, Sir Colin? A watch on the kennels?”

Colin shakes his head. “Didn’t do any good before. No…I think I should keep Lanisen at my side and take him back to Carmichael with me until Arael is ready to be presented to you.”

Cole’s brow raises slightly at this, but he nods after a moment.

Lune asks, “And if Aaron comes upon you in Carmichael?”

Colin glances at his brother and looks resolute. “I will do what is necessary to protect myself, Lanisen, Arael, and whoever else may be in danger.”

Cole looks a bit uneasy at this last statement but, once again, he nods. Then looking back to the King. “I presume you would have us instruct the guards and any nobles in the outlying territories arrest Aaron immediately upon recognition?”

Lune nods to Cole. “Just so.” He looks at Colin, however, as he continues. “But he is to be brought to us unharmed if possible, and he is to be treated as befits a prisoner of our realm.”

Colin nods his agreement. “It shall be done.”

Cole nods slightly, easing up a bit and shooting another glance at his brother.

Lune asks, “Lanisen is agreeable to this course of action, I trust?”

Colin nods. “He hates being here….” He says quietly. “Very anxious to get going.”

Lune looks surprised, his forehead furrowing deeply. “Is he so unhappy? I had thought him well suited to the kennels, but another posting might be found for him…”

Colin shakes his head slightly. “‘Tis not the kennels, he enjoys his work there. I think more the situation of Aaron and Haft.” He pauses a moment as if considering something. “Though… something has been on my mind for quite some time, Sire, and I don’t know if it’s the right solution but it may offer more protection and security with the position I have in mind, but it definitely requires your approval.”

Cole’s brow raises curiously at this, looking between Colin and King Lune.

Lune gestures for him to continue.

Colin forges ahead. “I’ve long wanted to offer Lanisen the position of my squire. Considering his past, I am not sure your feelings on the matter but he has proven to us over the years his full commitment to a decent way of life. He’s a good friend, one of my closest, and I’d trust him with my life. He trusts me with his.”

Cole looks between the two a moment before addressing the King, sitting straighter. “If it would please your Majesty, the hour draws late and I should like to send out the missives before the night is out. By your leave, of course. ”

Lune gives Colin a measuring look before turning to Cole. “Of course, Lord Chancellor.”

Cole nods, standing quickly and bowing to the King. “Your Majesty. ” He then dips his head to Colin in turn. “Sir Colin. ” With that, he turns and briskly makes his way out of the chamber.

Colin rises to bow to the Chancellor before returning to his seat, looking to his uncle once more.

Lune returns his attention to Colin. He is silent for a moment before he speaks. “It is no small thing that thou ask, nephew.” He taps his fingertips on the arm of his chair, thinking. “What… hast observed in Lanisen’s disposition to bring this to thy mind?”

Colin replies, “For one, he volunteered to fight in the battle without any prompting. Secondly, he is always eager to learn and try new things, which is why he was even able to be up on the wall. Even though he is not in my service he’s always willing to and trying to help. He’s bright, loyal, and frankly I’d rather have him than any other. Everyone already thinks he’s my squire, as close and in tune as we are. For all he’s done, all his hard work and everything he’s been through, I am convinced he has earned beyond a full pardon and deserves the honor. I want to honor him in this way…”
Colin’s tone is earnest and sincere as he speaks.

Lune listens in silence, not looking away from Colin as he speaks. There is something soft around his eyes. “Well,” he says at last, raising his eyebrows. “‘Twould be inconvenient indeed, to have as a squire a man not fully pardoned.”

Colin doesn’t break eye contact with his uncle, a slow grin beginning to take over his face as the king’s words sink in. Any former tension or worry that may have shown in his expression is completely chased away and he speaks, sounding as if there might be a lump or frog lodged in there somewhere, “Yes, I dare say it would be most inconvenient.”

Lune stands from his seat, straightening his clothing. “Shalt have it in writing on the morrow, signed and sealed for the castle records, but–” He glances at Colin. “Perhaps wouldst care to accompany me to my study, that we may draft a document for Master Lanisen to carry on his person?”

Colin also rises from his chair, nodding his agreement. “Yes, I would like that very much.”

Lune leads the way, smiling.


Lune, first of that Name, King over Archenland and its Territories, by the Emperor’s Gift and by Lawful Inheritance, to whom this Document may be presented, Greeting.

Whereas Lanisen of Carmichael did in Harvesthome 1009 admit to Participation in multiple and diverse instances of Robbery, Violence, and other Mischief against Archenland;

And whereas he was summarily sentenced to Servitude within the walls of Castle Anvard;

Now know ye that We, in consideration of the Services in Battle rendered unto Us by this man Lanisen, and in consideration of the Regard of Our nephew Colin of Neiklot, are pleased to extend Our Mercy for his crimes, and to grant unto him Our Full Pardon in respect of his sentence.

Given at Our Court in Anvard this day the 25th of Newlight 1015.

Lune, King of Archenland

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